Kamis, 15 November 2012

How Power Window Switch Works

Theoretically, way of working Power Window motor or Central Lock Actuator motor is to supply voltage to lower the window / lock the door, while to raise the window / unlocked the door is by turning the voltage poles.

In other words, the two cables coming from Power Window motor or Central Lock Actuator (Usually indicated with green or blue), is used by flipping the polar voltage entry.

You can find practical switches (as in image above) easily in accessories stores or partshop. The power window switch consist of 5 feet and provided with terminal bock in order to separate it easily.

For this purpose, it should also provide female termnal for 5 unit and crimpler for mounting the terminal.

Here, I enclose the schematic diagram, you can refer to the chart below:

Now, for understanding how power window switch works, you can take a look the animation i made below:

Hopefully this glance tutorial may be useful for you.

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